via ontd_pinto
WordTheatre® is bringing two top tier writers to Soho House on June 28th for performances of their own work. Featuring:
* Rick Moody (author of The Ice Storm)'s "Modern Lovers" performed by Ben Foster (3:10 to Yuma, The Messenger) and Sarah Paulson (Broadway's Collected Stories, Serenity)
* Michael Cunningham (writer of The Hours)'s "White Angel" performed by Zachary Quinto (Star Trek, Heroes)
* Both authors will be present for a Q and A following the performances
Produced and directed by Cedering Fox.
There will be signings of purchased books beforehand and during intermission. Doors open at 6:30 PM and performances begin at 7 PM. Books available at the show from Mobile Libris.
Soho House NY is a private club, but WordTheatre® audience members will be granted admission and the ability to make reservations in the restaurant on the day of the event. Please call Soho House directly for reservations: (212) 627-9800
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