Today Oliver Grigsby, writer of episode 3.19 'Shades of Gray' promised he would tweet his fave Zach anecdote if he got to 1000 followers. Here's what he wrote.
"So, one of the best experiences I had during "Shades of Gray" was doing an early rehearsal with Zach and John Glover. We met at Zach's house, along with Greg Beeman, the director, and Zach's dog. The 4 of us sat at a table and Zach and John read the scenes. It was incredible to watch these two immensely talented actors explore the text, amazing what they can do with the tiniest bit of inflection. The one thing that would um... spoil... the moment from time to time was that Zach's dog kept farting... adorable, but smelly dog :)"
If you're not already - follow Olly at www.twitter.com/OliverGrigsby and don't forget that ZQUK is on there too at www.twitter.com/zacharyquintouk
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