My Immortal - Evanescence
My all-time favorite Evanescence song and my all-time favorite Amy Lee video.
Evanescence - Everybody's Fool
In honor of Amy Lee's 28th birthday today, enjoy one of her best videos.
Zach to voice Star Trek Online - VGAs

At last night's Spike TV Video Games Awards, Zachary announced that he would be 'the voice' of Star Trek Online, the new MMORPG from Cryptic Studios and Atari.
The game, which is currently in live Beta testing should be released February 2nd, and will allow players to captain their own starship.
Zach presented the Best Voice in aVideo Game award to Jack Black for his role as Eddie Riggs in Brutal Legend.
Zach will appear at Ojai tribute to McNally

Zachary will be appearing at the Ojai Plays event 'Hearts On Fire', also a tribute to the actor Terence McNally, on January 30th 2010.
McNally will be presented with the OPC 2010 award in recognition of his illustrious career as a playwright, and scenes from his plays will be read by celebrities such as Zach, Steven Weber and Jane Kaczmarek. The readings will be followed by a live auction in which Zach is expected to act as an auctioneer.
Tickets for the reading, at the Matilijia Auditorium, are between $70 and $85. Tickets which include the auction and dinner are $225. For more info contact 640-0400 or http://www.ojaiplays.org/
Pic : Zach at Ojai in 2005.